How to get on with Saving American Democracy

YouTube is a great repository of video testimony and facts, with no card catalog so we use links in our pages to make the point with nuetrality  Be prepared to click the "skip ad" button in lower right corner - we don't control how youtube launchs links  Firefox Android using UBlock Origin will automatically currently block the ads and turn the url into " . . ."  Sadly meaningful lengthy comments on Youtube seem to disappear.

Is Xi Jinping right - Democracy does not work???   When you have corrupt un-American people in the government then - NO.  An American is defined in the Preamble to the Constitution, and mostly NO Republican is following that or thinking that way today. We are going to go to court to get this fixed, because talk is too cheap to do anything, as too with protests.  There are people all over Youtube and elsewhere on the internet talking, and writing about how the sky is falling, and they are right but doing nothing to stop it.  DONATE to help get it done.done. Or donate anonymously at

Three step process
1.  Finish the National Popular Vote Effort Compact into law, finishing by State Constitution initiatives on the ballot in Florida, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and, Arizona and maybe Oklahoma and Nevada too.
2. Remove actors by Quo Warranto immediately when they wander
3.  Put age limits of 65 on all elected offices and government officers of the courts that is as easy as changing the oath of office that they agree to retire at their 65th birthday in order to receive retirement benefits and that their office will invalidate as to them at that time . 

Abortion is a constitutional right found in the Preamble as to regulate it defies "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union".  A fetus is not a citizen of until born into and breathing air.  In October  2024 Judge McBurney made this clear almost  in his ruling in Georgia here and the Georgia Supreme Court reversed in nonsense unconstitutionally  here and Attorney Michael Popok of Meidas Touch does his non analytical rant at

A good attorney easily makes the argument for how the rulings from both Supreme Courts violate the law legalizing murder through the law.  How it violates the Preamble and 18 USC 241 in that the rulings cannot be explained to support "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union" because a fetus is NOT a citizen until breathing air.

Vice President Kamala Harris is now the candidate for the Presidency.  Trump is now and remains constitutionally ineligible to hold office ever again.  By Trump's rebellion to the Constitution of the United States and Congressional laws he has by court declaration violated Article II Section I Clause I as Trump's effort to stay in power past 4 years without being re-elected which activates Section 3 of the 14th amendment automatically.  In 2020, the process of objecting to electoral votes as a procedure did not have the power to sua sponte object and nor could any Congress member show proof any electoral votes were not regularly given.  In the end VP Pence refused and later all objections  did not reach the vote threshold to do anything other than later count the votes once the Capitol was cleared.  The Democrats and General mood is to defeat Trump at the ballot box.  Rachel Maddow points out a very real danger however to that plan at and

See the Trump v Anderson 23-719 ruling of March 4, 2024 at the bottom of page 8,  referring to footnote 2.  The Supreme Court ruling is here however a read of the wiki page and the William and Mary article cited in it at footnote 6, which is found locally here shows the proper manner to prosecute it is already and remains in place through the DC District Federal Court by STILL Quo Warranto with an ex rel action as Chapter 35 of the DC Code provides as enacted by Congress.

Following that, today however regardless  exists the ECRA of 2022 which defines how and under what terms an objection can be levied to electoral votes being counted or rejected.  Today in 2024 "not regularly given" will include votes for a constitutionally ineligible candidate.  The Congressional count is political under the Constitution, not criminal.  Now  application of the courts declaration on and with  a properly worded objection signed by 145 representatives and 34 Senators forecloses Section 3 of the 14th amendment which then bars the candidate from the count of any electoral votes.  There is a huge difference between 2020 and now 2024 where Mr Trump nor any of his counsel can see the futility of the election of Trump again and being sworn in.  See the full documentary story by PBS FRONTLINE "Democracy on Trial" at The Supreme Court does not have power nor jurisdiction over this.

Jack Smith 165 page evidence motion of October 2, 2024

Today at the end of July 2024 Trump has dementia that also disqualifies him.  See and that can be one of the disqualifying activity against the Constitution and his campaign in seditious conspiracy to also serve as a bar to office oddly enough preemptively through the 25th amendment. Trump has no path to return to the Whitehouse and for that reason Rachel Maddow may be correct in her warn. 

Here is an organization page that does a Project 2025  analysis  and here is a decent Ben Meicelas analysis of what Trump is now trying to lie his way out of connection to the Project 2025 bomb that just went off politically.  so it is now a keystone cop campaign and Chip Franklin satire with stinging clips at pointing out Seal Team 6 ( or others so authorized ) could now  visit Trump courtesy of Biden.  Imagine a general call to bring someone into custody who if perished in the operation the "bounty hunter" is guaranteed an immediate pardon with various governor pardon agreements of reciprocity in certain states. Here is Biden in his speech after the immunity ruling  and David Feldman argues there is no one to slip in for Biden in the campaign who can beat Trump, and argues if Biden withdraws, Biden should resign the Presidency so Harris can run as incumbant.  We cannot say that is a good idea because the United States has never had a female president let alone a non Caucasian one where the campaign also surrounds the White Christian Nationalists at 

George Conway launched a new PAC raising funds to place billboards and other ads.  See and this video but STILL the government is generally infiltrated with the Trump insurrectionists which is our aim to attack eventually if people support the actual solution  to the problem.  The DOJ may eventually get with a direct attack on Project 2025 - see and Next the DOJ needs to  indicte Heritage Foundation  Project 2025 publishing under 18 USC 2383 and 2384 and 1918 and 2331 (5) as to specific chapters and authors  therof

Kamala whose father was a Stanford professor which CBS published a review of her record at… and Meidas Touch did this the next day at

There Trump has faced a seven syllable alliteration word phrase "project 2025" that due either his dementia or morons speech disability he cannot pronounce. ( See also for dim wit explanations - A PBS Documentary "The Eugenics Crusade" at that explains Trump's stupidity dementia aside)

Trump says "25" only

Take note of that here and see also

Jamie Raskin sets it  out at and and Alex Wagner and George Conway at

Glen Kirschner suggests Biden should use the Supreme Court ruling now to save democracy at 

Someone just  needs to tell Biden to pull his head out his rear or 25th amendment him. No new case is needed to revisit when corrupt justices have been removed - it is legal to review them all now

Biden needs to pivot and use the Supreme Court ruling and arrest the 5 male justices and order them by Quo Warranto summarily dismissed for rebellion to the Constitution of the United States and Congressional laws by Section 3 of the 14th amendment and charge all players including Trump with 18 USC 2384, 2383, 1918 and 2331(5)  in that order and order the DOJ to figure it out because as an attorney there is a difference between a coup inside the government and a presidential candidate election campaign.  

Starting with Quo Warranto to ( https://sadpac. com/sites/default/files/USCOURTS-med-1_24-cv-00033-0.pdf ) vacating an office would be legal due to the ruling itself.  Ruling was in a Federal Court about Sheena Bellows Secretary of State in Main, and the court said, you cannot use in a Federaql Court in Quo Warranto to remove a State Official when especuially you have no claim to the office, while it pointed out that for Federal Officiers it is to be filed in the DC District Federal court according to DC Code 16-3501.  That allows the DOJ to file to vacate an office on behalf of the United States or a citizen on behalf of the United States upon some disqualifying activity if the DOJ refuses, and the citizen need not need a claim to the office, just enforcement of the Constitution of a disqualifying activity law.  This is the "law" the Supreme coiurt referred toin its March 4, 2024 Trump v Anderson ruling  that Congress needs to enact to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.  It was already in place, and Anderson was simply in the wrong court.court. 

Disqualifying activity  does not need to be proven by conviction in a court of law  it just needs to be in the public record.  The person accused must prove it not true.  Here is one such example at

Quo Warranto is a shortcut to imperachment when solid rebellion to the Constituion can be shown by public records as a civil action.  Impeachment is a political action.  The Appeal to a Quo Warranto removal in such a case is to Congress under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment - no to a higher court.  Interestingly a Quo Warranto ruling can occur at the hand of a jury under  DC Code 16-3501

Then appoint five new Justices and a new chief and in confirmation direct the new court to revisit ALL rulings of the Robert's court to vacate and re-rule as needed in accord justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union 
That would get Biden the respect as president he now needs.  Start rounding up project 2025 people as well as Trump and staffers because the lies of Trump demand he be shut up by incarceration.  Remind Trump and make him explain how he is even constitutionally eligible to hold such office given Article II Section I Clause I which activates Section 3 of the 14th amendment.

18 USC 2384 prohibits a seditious campaign Trump is running.

That will re-gain respect for  Biden if he just  grows a pair

The 2024 election is rife with dangerous scenarios.  Trump is certified Constitutionally ineligible candidate as the  court - the DC Circuit ruling declares Trump in violation of Article II Section I Clause I as Trump's effort to stay in power past 4 years without being re-elected is a trigger of Section 3 of the 14th amendment and bars him from holding office again, absent relief of the disability by 2/3 vote in both houses to remove this disability.  Conversely an objection signed by 145 representatives and 34 Senators which then bars the candidate from the relief of the disability cements the lock.  Having come to the realization that the Republicans are now domestic terrorists and they are unbelievably stupid,  confuse the Supreme Court ruling  he may remain on the ballot is not the same that he may take and hold office.  See… and pay attention to the "defining votes regularly given" Section. Only in this case, votes are set aside and not countable of the ticket at all president or vice president. That may result in a need to activate the insurrection act.  The flip side danger is an internal coup to remove Trump under the 25th Amendment if Congress does not object and Trump gets sworn in.  Then we end up with a president Vance.  See Leeja Miller video

Visit also and the precursor page to this one and this now outdated page on Removing Trump from the ballot and a catch all else page at 

This is a  2 hour 30 minute MSNBC mash-up timeline of how long the Supreme Court has been corrupt and  illegitimate  and  how Project 2025 weaves into this ruling mash up of news casts  from MeidasTouch and the Stephanopolous interview after the debate - is ABC trying to do a hit job? Jessica Denson on Meidas Touch preaches bless her heart but has good historical clips at   Glen Kirchner suggests that Biden use these powers now and he is right at  Fred Wellman talks to Lisa Graves about the overview and how it came to be at  With the exception of Glen Kirchner everyone is shell shocked and paralyzed while we have been saying this was going happen and how.  Dumb blind faith remained in the Supreme Court until they dropped the bomb.  Biden just needs to be shocked awake to act using the ruling now but he is stubborn and a bit stupid in addition to being an old brained thinker. Professor Lawrence Tribe calls for Amending the Constitution at   Here is a roundtable June 29, 2024 about the Supreme Court term with Neil Katayal, Melissa Murray, and George Conway BEFORE the immunity ruling was released at  But even justice Barrett does not agree completely and says try Trump now under the fake electors scheme at  Norm Eisman  covers the unconstitutional nature of the ruling at   

Right now the Supreme Court is saying arrest us, jail us and try us, and Biden has the power to do just that.  Go to then search the document for "quo" which will take you to the beginning of the discussion on use of Quo Warranto to remove officers from office, and through DC Code 16-3501 Congress has authorized the DC District federal court  to issue those orders - in fact it is their duty - once a proper "disqualifying activity" is indentified in a Quo Warranto petition berfore the court and what is new is Biden can simply jail the justices, and direct the AG to bring that petition and a criminal complaint  using for instance 18 USC 2331(5), 18 USC 1918, 18 USC 2383 and 2384 for starters and hold them without bail until they either resign  or are no longer breathing air.  Any way you look at it "poor behaviours ejects them from their officers under the Constitution, just more expediately by-passing impeachment.

Then Biden can appont FIVE new justices and a Chief and direct them to go about immediate special session review of all Roberts court rulings against "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union" revisting and vacating as precedentitally appropriate to  put democracy back on track and then order the arrest of key players in the insurrection efforts and similar charges brought including Donald Trump himself. Trump under actual law can be removed from the ballot and then all will be right again, and then vacate this immunity ruling.  Straight forward and actually legal by even todays' axioms but expedited and under his new found powers and dictator impromptu.  Barbaric or Just ??  Stopping a coup.

At the core issue is firm law that strips jurisdiction of  any Federal Jurist through 28 USC 455.  The Supreme Court plowed ahead  with two justices without jurisdiction to hear the recent rulings.  Be clear it has alreadfy been established a null order is produced in such cases.  In 6-3 case rulings, they become 4-3 rulings in a 7 member court, the act of going forward itself is a rebellion to the laws of the United States and the Constituion of the United States.  See   This is "poor behavoir" for all in the decision.

The core measure of the propriety of any court ruling is does it measure up to "justice, domestic tranquility andf to form a more perfect union" for the nation and litigants, and in many if not most of recent Roberts Court rulings is "NO", because they push religion based idiologies at the core.

At minimum, and read on. 

The Supreme Court has now flown too close to the Sun with wax wings and the Trump immunity ruling is announced  that applies to all Presidents is here as this order expands the power of the President to enforce violations of the law - the Justices can be summarily removed.

After the June 28, 2024 debate people were quick to "bed wet" saying Biden should withdraw.  and in the meantime, the Supreme Court used the cover of Bidens performance to release the ruling on Fischer determining 18 USC 1512 cannot apply.  This is what happens when one is greedy on the charging. 18 USC 2383 and 2384 was the proper charge along with 18 USC 2331 (5) and 18 USC 1918 but they wanted to try for 20 years imprisonment instead of the limit of 10 under 2383   Jack Smith and Garland screwed that pooch.

Biden should fire Garland and replace him with Kennedy as he is a real prosecutor and will gain votes to boot

But the next day it looks like Biden wanted people to pay attention and then he came roaring back with all eyes on his campaign now. and  It looks like he wanted to collect Trump lies in one place.  Jake Broe tried to pay homage to Biden, but he illustrates the problem.  He just wants and thinks this will all end with the defeat of Trump at  but Jake is dreaming.  America NEVER was a Democracy, it is a Democratic Republic powered by racists, an unfair electoral college, unequal Senatorial representation - Wyoming an California both have two senatorial votes with 581,000  people in Wyoming VS  39 million in California and it is a wonder this kind of internal coup has not happened before.  The system will never work until changed because it will only take a multiple of people to keep voting addresses in certain states to keep control of the government.government. Joy Reid 

David Feldman vigorously debunked the more than 50 lies of Trump in the debate  at   while Dr Bandy Lee, psychoanalyzed Trump's mental illness showing in the debate on the Don Lemon show video as having been the first years ago to sound the alarm about Trump at  as Trump it appears took the bait of a trap for a round of fresh lies others could use while "jacked up Joe"  returned with an energized base behind him with a new National message on fire. 

People are pretty much loosing their minds over what we warned was coming on the Trump immunity ruling See  and   Micheal Steele shell shocked on camera  in disbelief with no clue how to deal with it at  and Melissa Murray calmly explains the Supreme Court coup is complete for now on Don Lemon at  and there is a plethora of similar videos.

But the problem and answer is in Biden to use the order against this 

The solution is simple.  If Biden can still think.  Use the power of the order to empty or remove the five men of the Supreme Court for rebellion to the law and the Constitution of the United States as they have become illegitimate by putting their insurrection in writing.

The order is null actually  as two of the justices were without jurisdiction by 28 USC 455, but the country has a runaway Republican  Supreme Court  in declaring a coup and war on  government itself violating 18 USC 2331 (5) and 18 USC 1918 rewriting the Constitution by fiat order. 

 Through the authority to see to law be faithfully executed the Court has written its own Constitution in a series of rulings.  Biden needs to demand their resignation upon which refusal either jail them pending trial under 18 USC 2383 and 2384 by and in accord and strip them of their office or upon deadly force authorized if they fail to resign.  Good behavior has expired and upon lying to Congress in their confirmation hearings

Then the Congress can call emergency replacement hearings in which in those confirmation appointments direction be given to revisit and vacate and re-rule on the Trump v United States case - this immunity case, Trump v Anderson 23-719, Dobbs, Citizens United, Chevron deference and a host of other cases as ruled on by compromised insurrectionist mindsets rather against the standard of "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union" in accord the Preamble of the Constitution.

It would take some  smart lawyers and the Congressional Research Service but Biden now has the power right now under and official act to do so above

Biden can order Trump, Johnson, Jordan, Greene and Comer at minimum  arrested and jailed under 18 USC 2383 and 2384 for running an insurrectionist and a seditious campaign for president and to overthrow the government as according to the order he now has power to direct the AG to prosecute.  While he is at it fire Garland and maybe hire Kennedy as AG to take action.

Once the new Justices are seated and this immunity ruling is vacated things are back to normal

Is Biden  awake and smart enough to do so - because this saves America and would gain the respect of

Mr Trump does not understand how social media is working against him with literally  thousands of anti-Tump and never Trump people campaigning with the death of a thousand stings in videos.   It is unbelievable how anyone could be so stupid and think he is so smart.  It is easy to see how his own parents could not stand him and sent him off to a military academy school.  Biden walked Trump right into a trap for material Biden can use right up to election day

The real issue is what Jake intimated and said - Democrats will cry about it but not do anything to fix the problem

Biden showed in the State of the Union he is just fine, fiesty and capable.  and - fired up ready to go!! - and and and short of a full national primary Trump clenched the GOP nomination amidst much of the Republican party actually against him a Liz Cheney launched a "Great Task" PAC to defeat him. but the reality is Trump is full blown into angry dementia like his father, and many medical professionals agree they can see the dementia in slurred words and other confusion.  But the reality is Trump's  history has never been conducive to politics. so while in the end Trump cannot escape constitutional ineligibiliy because of his rebellion to Article II Section I Clause I as declared by the DC Circuit against him no one has paid attention to the ECRA of 2022 should he win. 

There is a "series"  Brian Tyler Cohen runs on YouTube called "Class with Jamie Raskin". Thankfully Raskin is allowed to lecture, and Cohen is largely silent at with the April 30 post analyzing the Trump Absolute Immunity claim and Supreme Court argument at htttps://

What Raskin is also saying is to  entertain Trump's argument is itself a rebellion of the Constitution of the United States because it skips and ignores Article II Section I Clause I which activates Section 3 of the 14th amendment this case is about

The disqualifying activity supercedes any escape from the language of the 14th amendment at electoral Count time under the ECRA of 2022.

It is clear the conservative side of the SCOTUS is in rebellion to the Constitution of the United States at the Preamble at justice, domestic tranquility and to fom a more perfect union in the hearing and in even considering a hypothetical litigant which has standing ever at all.

Just as a police officer may arrest a judge  for any offense sadpac com shows , a Quo Warranto action can be brought for rebellion to the Constitution of the United States by Supreme Court Justices upon which by proof disqualifying activity they have already performed in prior orders and lying to Congress about Roe, removes them subject to the final sentence of Section 3 of the 14th amendment

Biden has a one on one interview with Capehart Saturday March 9, 2024 at

On March 4, 2024 the Supreme court ruled Section 3 of the 14th Amendment inaccessible by citizens,  They cite through Section 5 that Congress must by legislation and then cite to the Enforcement Act of 1870.  See  and which cites to quo warranto.  They say the way to do it would be 18 USC 2383.  The Supreme Court ruling is here however a read of the wiki page and the William and Mary article cited in it at footnote 6, which is found locally here shows the proper manner to prosecute it is already and remains in place through the DC District Federal Court by STILL Quo Warranto with an ex rel action as Chapter 35 of the DC Code provides as enacted by Congress. (See page 187 and then 192 as ro Federal Officers)  Quo Warranto was once a criminal action, and it is now a Civil Action, and that was the change in the Act of 1870.   Mr Hinkley as amicus discusses it and that brief is  here  So the Supreme Court was wrong and in rebellion to the Constitution themselves. The law has always been there - but yes CREW screwed the pooch bringing the Colorado suit wrong - and they were told - but kept going. See and search " quo" in

The SCOTUS did warn and make clear at page 8... 

"" The text of Section 3 reinforces these conclusions. Its fi-
nal sentence empowers Congress to “remove” any Section 3
“disability” by a two-thirds vote of each house. The text im-
poses no limits on that power, and Congress may exercise it
any time, as the respondents concede. See Brief for Re-
spondents 50. In fact, historically, Congress sometimes ex-
ercised this amnesty power postelection to ensure that 
some of the people’s chosen candidates could take office."" 

Trump and cohorts don't  read and comprehend. 

However, for the first time in known US recent history the Supreme Court is in open rebellion itself to the Constitution itself - the Constitution is clear the Supreme Court ignores it

The United States  no longer has a Supreme Court, it has racist Republicans in robes.  See as most minorities have surely known for years. 

Hear why Attorney Michael Popok of Meidas Touch proves that five of the Justices need to be removed at  Another union turns against Trump realizing it was a promise of lies. .

Supreme Court justices can be removed for rebellion against the Constitution of the United States also by Section 3 of the 14th amendment by setting out a petition identifying the disqualifying activity like sadpac com shows and the DC District federal court has the power to do so upon petition to it of a meritorious case like Popok TALKS about

Democrats and Meidas people TALK a lot with no solution offered or asked for and indeed suggestions disappear when offered

Starting in the Preamble, any ruling or order that cannot be identified to support justice, domestic tranquility nor to Form a more perfect union would be unconstitutional as a disqualifying activity.  Maybe Popok should  do something and stop TALKING into the ether that the sky is falling

People have improperly butted into a females right of justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union as the Preamble guarantees.  A fetus is NOT an American Citizen until a  live birth occurs and the cord is cut.  Until then a fetus is a parasite of the female that is not guaranteed to be born  that she and she alone owns.  Like it or not it is no one's business based on their believe or religion to force a woman to carry a child.  That is a form of societal rape.  Life does not occur at conception that has rights as an American Citizen and that is where stupid thoughts cause stupid results.  This is where people become "God Delusional" believing they are religion police.  They are not.  The proper litigation brought on these principles would force the Supreme Court to honor the Constitution and reverse several rulings, Dobbs especially or be removed from office by quo warranto actions. 

Today the Republicans and Racists and Facist have joined forces under the Republicans political tent as White Christian Nationalists " which are white supremacists trying to wrap themselves in the US Constitution as a power" right".  They are so so far afield they should be arrested and charged under 18 USC 2383 and 2384. Then fine $1,000, given 10 year suspended sentences on probation, and loose gun, voting, and office holding rights.  Harsh??? No, these are the well ons who are still civil war Era insurrectionists in their mindsets. Here are a few well  done documentary in your face factoid videos by Attorney Leeja Miller showing how they are wrong.  Watch them all. and and our favorite "How Ronald Reagan ruined everything" at then see how it has evolved into  the Heritage Foundation project 2025 take over the country effort. and and here today we find the result is a Republican Supreme Court that is so far afield of the Preamble of the Constitution it demands action to remove the Republican majority from the Court.  Here is Marc Elias and Molly Jong Fast March 29, 2024  on how the Nation duped itself into the latest non-lawyer Republican nightmare of Donald John Trump.  Take note - and this is important every democratic presidential administration except Carter  (VP Mondale was an attorney) has been a lawyer duo while the Republicans have not.  See even Nixon and Ford was an attorney duo administration who laid the Trump copy cat playbook for Trump.  See and let it be said it has been these non lawyer types in office bringing us some of the worst Presidents in living memory and how and why below is the best way to get rid of the problem. Are we all modern anatomical humans???

Lawrence O'Donnell shows how three former US Presidents ALL Lawyers on stage raise 25 million in one night March 29, 2024 and Joy Reid on the real migrant contributions to America and Liz Cheney says we can survive Biden policies but not those of another Trump presidency and a FOX host shows how Trump is failing and then there is a classic Mehdi Hasan special on Marjorie Taylor Greene January 31, 2023. and how lies catch up to Trump in legal flip flopping as per Michael Popok on Meidas  Touch March 29, 2024 as everything out of one's mouth is not protected free speech like pro per people typically believe. Trump is pissing off the Judiciary more and more, Royce C Lamberth chasticized rhetoric like what Stefanik promotes and Judge Reggie Walton, both of the DC District court spoke out and those are the judges with Quo Warranto powers over Congress. and Trump illustrates how he is just plain stupid against the backdrop of COVID with Bob Woodward on Ari Melber's MSNBC Show, The Beat special posted July 11, 2023

Sadly Jack Smith made a huge mistake because the proper charges were 18 USC 2383 and 2384 in place of 1512 and charge ALL Trump supporters under aid and comfort with minimum  $1,000 fines, 10 year suspended sentence on probation with a loss of voting, gun and office holding rights for ten years.  People need to be told Religion is NOT a part of American government and that racism and fascism has no place in America.  It is NOT free speech.  Go after and disband organizations like the Heritage Foundation trying to make it so. Then the courts need to enforce that, including cleaning out the Supreme Court first thing of those who cannot rule or adjust their rulings to comport with that.

Justice Stephen Breyer would catagorize this reading as a "pragmatism approach" and in such an instance decisions like Dobbs, and Trump v Anderson 23-719 would not have resulted in reversals because the Preamble describes the "rule of law" goes through "justice", " domestic tranquility" and forms "a more perfect union".  The reason is  "liberty and justice for all" as this is why there is a separation of church and state because no matter one's personal beliefs, they have no business in the personal affects of another.  If you do not like abortion for your personal reasons or religion, it still is not your business.  Life begins when an offspring breaths air.  Until that time, many things could go wrong before it takes it's first breath of air.  Up to that time modern medicine can intrude into "establish viability" and still be wrong.  Viability also has to do with after care and accidents have happened called crib death usually, and all of that is a personal matter, not a legal one even if the woman does want the infant.  That still remains in our constitution at the Preamble  in domestic tranquility no one's business but the person carrying the fetus.  Like it or not it is no one's business but the female carrying the temporary parasite.  Stephen Breyer gives an excellent interview with Kristen Welker  March 31, 2024 at

Here is the ugly reality that racists, fascists, and Un-American people who think skin color defines patriotism currently led by Donald John Trump, and while he will not succeed in returning to the Presidency, he has ballooned and exposed a radical poison lurking in America.  It is time for enough and to use 18 USC 2383 and 2384.  See and and therefore it is time to stop talking and take action.

An American patriot is defined in the Preamble of the Constitution which dictates thought and proper behavior in society of which no Republican is following.  Trump is not a candidate for office because he Is a constitutionally ineligible person in rebellion to the Constitution of the United States and an open racist, facist, dog whistling seditious conspiratist with racist followers he has emboldened and brought out of the wood work.  This is  how we get back America, which it seems no one wants to do.  The longer Trump is allowed to speak and the media covers it to spread it, it is all free to Trump and the worse it will become

Mr Trump is medically "crazy". In the age of Eugenics the phrase "Moron" was coined meaning one of a mental capacity of a 10 to 12 year old with no morals.  Even Mary Trump has said Donald has the same brain and thought of the little boy of teen age years.  See

Technological ignorance has invaded good sense in the United States. Intruding into lives of others the Republicans mistake for law often rooted in Racism and Religion. The Preamble prohibits much of the Republican party Supreme Court rulings because they are not necessary for the country and instead interfere with the three concepts of "justice", "tranquility" or  a "more perfect union" for all.

Jackson v Massachusetts 197 US 11 (1905) sets the standard that even crosses into free speech. It seems the keepers of democracy have become feckless and forgotten the Preamble

Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court's decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.
Jackson v. Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Republicans position cannot square any of their positions with "justice", "tranquility" or  a "more perfect union" for all.  All speech is not free speech as too many wrongfully believe.  Until get back to for fully managing what people say the country will decline under the foot of dim wits

This is the cost of racism and being caught at fraud and criminal activity.  Voting is not enough because this racist facist republican party needs destruction and enforcement of 18 USC 2383 and 2384 for all Trump supporters for aid and comfort $1,000 fine, 10 year suspended sentence on probation and loss of gun, voting and office rights.  Religion has no place in government, nor consideration therein and this needs to be made clear and rebellion to the Constitution of the United States must be quelled and addressed. 

The ECRA of 2022 now allows for rejection of votes as not regularly given for a constitutionally ineligible candidate which Trump  is citing through Section 3 of the 14th amendment even though the Supreme Court in it March 4, 2024 order says states or citizens cannot use the Section without instructive law from Congress, but because it only bars the States from disqualifying from the ballot a federal candidate, but it does not speak to nor prohibit Congress from the definitional constitutionally ineligible candidate status from automatically attaching due disqualifying activity of the candidate.

The Supreme Court had no jurisdiction to relieve Trump's disability, only Congress does.  In fact the SCOTUS had no jurisdiction to hear the case - only Congress did. . In such a case electors votes from certain states could be rejected and the loosing candidate is elevated to claim those electoral votes..  This could result in an objection signed by 145 representatives and 34 Senators which then bars the candidate from removal of the disability for not being able to reach the 2/3 majority required to remove the disability.  See for example  But this so called new law to Section 3 of the 14th amendment is already in place in the DC District court as enacted by Congress as previously stated.  We will use it to remove government officers

Sherrilyn Ifill of Harvard went on Alex Wagner March 7, 2024 and declared doom and gloom that Section 3 had been emasculated by the order.  She is wrong and that is what the Supreme Court wants people to believe to chill them.  Section 3 of the 14th amendment remains accessible through Quo Warranto against Federal Officers through the DC Federal District Court as set and passed by Congress.  It is exactly what the Supreme Court says was done - but they think is repealed from the Enforcement Act of 1870.  It is not, it is simply decriminalized.  As much as Ms. Ifill speaks to how the Supreme Court was unprepared, why would anyone believe what the order says??.  It may be harder to convince a Judge now, which was the goal - but even the Supreme Court cannot nullify a constitutional provision.  See her interview at

Here is the problem and why not to believe polls and part of the solution at but voting alone is not enough, a vehicle to remove people from office, known as Quo Warranto is needed.  That costs money and sophisticated organization.

We are going to go after making American Democracy work in court. A  Judge could want to do the right thing, but they cannot move and act on their own unless a case is filed before them.   To get the insurrectionists out of government costs money for hiring a Law firm.  The vehicle to do it is there called "Quo Warranto" - it was put into the law by Congress for just this purpose.  A new HYBRID PAC (Political Action Committee) SADPAC organization to be registered with the FEC (Federal Election Commission) is a vehicle to get this done.  We are soliciting donations because it will take A LOT of money to do this.  A  HYBRID PAC can solicit unlimited anonymous donations so long as no candidate is involved to support.  A PAC is required to report to the FEC how the money is spent.  There is a DRAFT petition  ready, and it would be filed, but a Judge will need to accept it.  Quo Warranto is a "on relation" action brought in the name of the people, also called an "ex rel" action.   The jurisdiction for Quo Warranto, which is used through Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, as to government persons is found at   It has to be served on the DOJ first for them to turn down pursuit of.  It has been for all of the Biden administration the DOJ has done nothing, and a version of the suit served on them 4 times so far toi crickets.  So if you want something done about Congress - DONATE

The Trump v Anderson 23-719  Colorado Removal of Trump from the Ballot case is found here at the public docket at documents filed will launch from there. .  That is a case of CREW screwing up the effort - despite being told they were doing it wrong.

Here is the best amicus brief alleged to be in support of neither party.  It claims the DC Federal Court has exclusive jurisdiction to issue Quo Warranto to include the president, and this is true BUT  guess how Quo Warranto is proved???  By the use  of Section 3 of the 14th amendment as against rebellion against the Constitution of the United States such as a violation of a specific Article, Section and Clause or Amendment and Section and or Clause in rebellion thereto by the conduct of the person alleged to be in violation of an ability to hold office.  The brief tries to show the automatic disqualification does not apply to keep the person from running in the first place.  Quo Warranto is used to remove someone from office through Section 3 of the 14th amendment and this amicus author is plain confused or is attempting to mislead the court.  That brief is  here

Yes the is a big problem with the Supreme Court, yes Quo Wrranto can be used on the Justices also with very specific proof how they have rebelled as to the Constitution.  It will a District Judge with real hutzpah to take on that one.  The Petition if air tight requires they sign onto the case or convene a multi-judge court. 

American Democracy has major design problems that lend well to insurrections inside government.  Section 3 of the 14th amendment is self executing and still - and always will be in play.  The Supreme Court does not have power nor jurisdiction over it or to change it.  Trump is disqualified and we shall see how courts being cowardly stick their heads in the sand to avoid it.  See and

Jamie Raskin shares his view on the American Demoicracy as a crisis in early March 2024 at 

Talk is cheap and worthless so action is needed and where it starts is in the Preamble


Republicans in every way violate that in their ideas and theology to butt in and control people's lives


Laws as to the person are unconstitutional while laws governing conduct of the person in society are not


Law against colored people drinking from a public fountain is as to the person.  No urinating in a public fountain is against the person for the good of and to protect  society


Raskin is wrong about Trump in his second impeachment.  There was no trial because Robert's did not preside  He should know better see Article I Section 3 Clause 6 of the Constitution


Insurrection is not the issue, rebellion to the Constitution of the United States to Article II Section I Clause I which activates Section 3 of the 14th amendment is self executing and the issue with Trump and all supporting him.


An American is defined in the Preamble of the United States Constitution . If you cannot think and behave that way, you are not an "American", you are "un-American.  It is that simple, but more so if you have taken an oath to the Constitution in any position or office under law, you can be prosecuted, sued, and removed from your position by Quo Warranto. No it is done often enough so here we are.

 The preamble sets the stage for the Constitution ( It clearly communicates the intentions of the framers and the purpose of the document. The preamble is an introduction to the highest law of the land; it is not the law. It does not define government powers or individual rights.

Establish Justice is the first of five objectives outlined in the 52-word paragraph that the Framers drafted in six weeks during the hot Philadelphia summer of 1787. They found a way to agree on the following basic principles:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Thus," laws against the person" are unconstitutional whereas laws as to society are not.  For instance one cannot general walk about unclothed showing genitalia, in public, whereas in many areas of private gathers it is not unlawful.  A "law against the person" is one applicable against an individual be it in public or private, such as the "colored" drinking fountain laws, and later abortion and bodily autonomy restrictive laws.  A law cannot apply in abstract on an no-actualized event such as child support for an unborn child and give it a think, how an embryo is a citizen before breathing air born in a certain land.  That would mean a non citizen who becomes impregnated in America and returns to South America is giving birth to an American citizen.  It becomes apparent absurdity of many of these laws against the person.  What about the person who is impregnated in a free abortion state like California who is forcibly taken to a penal abortion state kidnapped outside an abortion clinic waiting for her appointment.  This is why the Dobbs decision was unconstitutional as well as plain stupid given its infringement on the person without reasons of harm upon the public society.  But because the Preamble is often thought of as not having legal effect, the truth is that the Preamble IS THE ENTIRE Constitution in a nutshell, with articles of operation that follow.  Attorneys need to be sent to courts to shame and remind these judges where their  power of the people's business begins and ends.

December 19, 2023 the Colorado Supreme barred Trump from the ballot.  The 208 page ruling is here  Anyone could use this as Judicial Notice in Requests to bar Trump from there ballots OR take it to a Federal Court in Federal election mandamus.   In reality the SCOTUS has no jurisdiction here by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and we will need to see if they honor the final sentence of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says and cast it to Congress where it belongs by the Constitution itself, so by the US Constitution the Colorado Supreme Court ruling is final

American Democracy is a Republic of Representatives and not a Direct Democracy.  To make things worse the Electoral college is absolutely the worst creation of a government. We MUST convert the Electoral college to the National Popular Vote manner of choosing electors and then create a national verified  electronic instantaneous polling system to directly direct representatives to listen to the will of their constituents with a IMEI verification polling voting system that uses billing information to direct the issue to the proper representative be it state or federal.  And yes such a system is possible and does exist..  Then we need to Amend the Constitution so age limits cap at 65 ( or state by state via state Constitution initiatives on the ballot where allowed by law ) and members of the executive and legislative branches must have law degrees and licenses to practice to hold a seat or office. This will put a more sane caliber of person in Congress and the Whitehouse.

Worse, there really isn't a Democracy - as Bush v Gore [531 U.S. 98 (2000)]  here reminds us " The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses a statewide election as the means to implement its power to appoint members of the electoral college. U. S. Const., Art. II, § 1. This is the source for the statement in McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1, 35 (1892), that the state legislature's power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself, which indeed was the manner used by state legislatures in several States for many years after the framing of our Constitution. Id., at 28-33. History has now favored the voter, and in each of the several States the citizens themselves vote for Presidential electors. When the state legislature vests the right to vote for President in its people, the right to vote as the legislature has prescribed is fundamental; and one source of its fundamental nature lies in the equal weight accorded to each vote and the equal dignity owed to each voter. The State, of course, after granting the franchise in the special context of Article II, can take back the power to appoint electors ""  See e. g.

The founding fathers saw the day when a Donald John Trump would arrive.

But if voters change the State Constitution to manner of choosing the electors to the National Popular Vote, the State cannot take it away like they could with the legislation path the National Popular Vote Effort Compact uses.

In  short ALSO  states could change their  Constitutions and election laws to prohibit candidates over 61 and who are not Lawyers licensed to practice for federal and even state offices.  The people could do this by ballot and thus nationwide where persons cannot get on the ballot, it will end geriatrics in government.

Here is a fast talking female Lawyer that explains what is going on but offers no viable solution. and

With the Colorado ruling  November 17, 2023  ( )  defining Trump engaged in insurrection by incitement for the purpose of interfering with a government function, to follow him and give "aid and comfort" thereto him and his ongoing campaign subjects all who do to Section 3 of the 14th amendment and 18 USC 2383 to be removed from office fined, jailed and barred from office.


That ruling and the charge of incitement by the House of Representatives to insurrection cast the bar to office by 18 USC 2383, - that Trump was NOT acquitted for because no constitutional trial occurred because the Chief Justice did not preside.  Because both Section 3 of the 14th amendment and 18 USC 2383 by command of the language are self executing as to the bar to office, Trump would have needed 67 not guilty votes in the Senate and then 290 in the house to clear the automatic bar to office by charging with "incitement to insurrection" by the house articles. 


See "The Sweep and Force of Section Three" ( and Congressional Research Service - - 

The Insurrection Bar to Office: Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment - under "Implimentation" - "A private injured party could also ask a judge to issue a writ of quo warranto to prevent the seating of, or oust from office, an individual who allegedly engaged in disqualifying actactivities   According to the final sentence of Section 3 of the 14th amendment only  Congress may review the finding and grant relief of the "disability" or or construe the ruling based on "engaged in insurrection".  Of course right now that has been ignored for the norm of up the courts.


There is also a group of states in the Northwest which are anti-ethnic anybody.  In short where the militias and racists and White Christian Nationalists populate and will run anyone else out.  See They are the insurrectionists by and large.

So what is wrong with the Republicans??  Well sadly they are best described as indoctrinated  delusional.  Everything about the Republicans of today is about beliefs, many call conspiracy theories and faith.  It is all really best described here in a film called "The God Delusion" which is a factual documentary at  Nothing wrong with religion to teach morals, but mystery has no place in a government. Yet the gullible and dim witted flock together around someone who claims to be divine fighting a holy war.  Mr Trump is trying to take on this air and some blindly follow him even to their demise and death even.  Belief without fact is poison to the brain.  If you are going to be "God Delusional" at least go to the  likely true beginning according to ancient texts actually found on earth and geological proofs to accompany.  See

Judge J. Michael Luttig in interview with PBS Frontline (2 hours 43 minutes describes the "failed leadership" to run to the courts for everything and the Independent Legislature Theory. June 2022

The Mueller, Trump Showdown FRONTLINE at - the Cirus lands in Washington DC - at least Nixon - but also a Lawyer - knew when to quit!!!  Trump a non lawyer launches a triple down pack of pro se lies.  Was this the moment rational Americans had seen enough???

Austrailia's 60 Minutes interviews Mary Trump July 2020 about her book on the family 

Here Ari Melber interviews the Author of "Sapiens" explaining the fiction of Religion so many people loose themselves in and therefore become A cult God  delusional person.  The link to the book is below.

Here is Palki Sharma the Internet-based Indian news anchor who covers much of everything in the world.  On American religion and the 2024 election.

This how crazy it is on Thanksgiving 2023

December 8, 2023 Joy Reid on authoritarianism.

Governor Newsom goes over all the  issues of how the Republicans are backwards dim wits.

Attorney Marc Elias and Attorney Texas Congressional House Representative Jasmine Crockett on Saving Democracy and the Mike Johnson threat.

Isreal has a liar Trump like problem December 13, 2023 - Netanyahu has caused all of the Gaza -  Isreal war. Biden needs to halt Isreal support.

Here is the thing -it is  unlawful as well as unethical to lie in political campaigns and in office. 

It is a Federal Law our elected officials must take the Oath of Office. 5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

The problem is there is  nobody enforcing this Federal Law. Now if You or I lie to a federal agent 18 U.S.C. § 1001, you are facing five or eight years in federal prison, depending on specific facts of the offense  The only way to enforce it against members of Congress is by Quo warranto actions.

Lies are not free speech when they cause actions by others that break the law.  In general that is "public fraud" and it is actionable as fraud in a court of law as Trump is discovering in his New York state business fraud conviction..  Being a liar creates a teetering existence on disaster as George Santos discovered.

The US Supreme Court took up the issue of the" Stolen Valor Act" eventually gutting it.  See and

But it remains unlawful for government officials and those seeking office to lie.  See a law review article on the subject at and

The short answer is lies that cause others to act unlawfully or to their harm or detriment or unlawfully to your benefit are not protected by the 1st Amendment.

But recently the Colorado ruling states that free speech does not protect the speaker who influences or incites. Trump in his lies on January 6th.

Here is the truth - right now in late 2023 there is a chance to use Quo Warranto to Judicially remove the insurrectionists who are inside the government that follow the insurrectionist Trump.  Those who rebelled against the Constitution of the United States..  They can be removed from the office they hold for giving aid and comfort thereto in violation of the 14th amendment at Section 3 by use of Quo Warranto.

To fix them:

FIRST get the National Popular Vote Effort Compact working and prohibit any state from passing laws to restrict voting rights and times or mail in voting.  Brian Tyler Cohen and Marc Elias discuss here BUT they miss the Meat. 

There is another path to activating the National Popular vote compact into law is by state Constitution initiatives on the ballot which could happen in 2024 by bringing the initiative in Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Florida.  This bypasses the Legislators of those states and they have enough electoral votes to push it over the line.. There are more states that can be leveraged.


Ask us  how to get involved in those states if you live there


There is a relationship between National Popular Vote Effort Compact and Section 3 of the 14th amendment.


It is inconceivable why everyone is - the media -  in a panic about Trump's run when he is absolutely Constitutionally barred from office.  It begins in Congress with the second impeachment CHARGE which requires a 2/3 Not Guilty vote to remove the automatic bar to office attached the charge through Section 3 of the 14th amendment not requiring any conviction.  And the Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction to remove the automatic bar.  How can Trump even be sworn in or have votes cast  for him??  That is what needs to be addressed.  Is the US Constitution toilet tissue?? 


Every court case brought so far has been wrong and argued wrong , for the reasons Judge J Micheal Luttig sets forth, but the scheme to thwart Article II Section I Clause I in Trump's scheme is now set in public record concrete by co- conspirators who plead guilty and testified in the plea deals to  facts of the scheme - leaked videos but valid - that prove the "government function was an engaged in insurrection against the Constitution of the United States " by Trump

In this video below Lawrence Tribe is interviewed a few days after the Colorado filing.  This is posted on October 30, 2023 the day the Colorado suit hearing / trial being held and he explains why Section 3 of the 14th amendment is self executing in that it was written at a time when the Judiciary and other branches were not trusted as being staffed with confederate and insurrectionist people.  That is why the Congress retains jurisdiction over the matter in the final sentence.

People need to stop speaking like Trump is already re-elected and crying the sky is falling


What we need to do is get State  Constitutional amendment ballot initiatives on the ballot in as a minimum Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Florida to change the manner of casting elector votes to National Popular Vote.  It would not hurt to get them on the ballot in ALL states that allow Constitutional amendment initiative efforts like Oklahoma, Nevada and et cetera.  Let the people decide in  2024 to activate immediately on election day.  


Then also ask states already in the National Popular Vote Effort Compact to amend their manner of choosing electors to activate NOW.  That will cut off any path to the Whitehouse but through the National Popular Vote IF three states pass it and those in the Compact activate now.  If enough states totalling 65 electors pass it - that would activate the National Popular Vote Effort Compact itself. Trump will never win the National Popular Vote. 


The people at National Popular Vote Effort Compact do not get that all that is left are Republican interference states for the legislative and Governors route and the electoral college is actually the biggest threat to Democracy because it is easily manipulated today through social media and the like with lies to the gullible. See link below to "Unfair game how Trump won" 


It is a good bet Trump will not be on the General Election ballot for 2024.  Here's YouTube video Mx_4aDmERWo ( the full hearing)  Minnesota Supreme Court 


The court was unable to connect what "engaged in insurrection against the Constitution of the United States"  meant and denied the petition for mandamus to bar Trump from the ballot without prejudice. ( presumably when petitioners can define the phrase or return with a Trump conviction)   No one so far has brought the Section 3 of the 14th amendment argument correctly from a Constitutional perspective identifying the Article abd Section and Clause Trump rebellion was against.  Now proper Federal Mandamus suits can be filed which courts cannot dismiss and ignore AFTER Election officials refuse to bar Trump from the ballot. 


Michigan followed suit citing Minnesota.   So many people and mostly lawyers at that  get it wrong and not want to get up under the Constitution.  Well there is now a second bite at the apple. 


Two days later Judge J Michael Luttig defined it as falling under Article II Section I Clause I in Trump's scheme to stay in power past 4 years without being re-elected - again see YouTube video Ll4DFbHrOmA&t=132s


Trump's "presidential immunity" claim is thus actually a bar to holding office automatically by Section 3 of the 14th amendment.  The impeachment charge of "incitement to insurrection" only pairs to 18 USC 2383 (high crimes and misdemeanors) and defines acts required to convict, BUT carries an automatic self executing bar to office by Trump having "engaged in insurrection against the Constitution of the United States" at  and of Article II Section I Clause I by launching his supporters to the Joint Session of Congress to  attempt to disrupt and stop the official government function of certifying the electoral votes.  Judge Luttig explained this in both interviews he calls "the totality" of the scheme  of Trump. 

There was no impeachment trial with acquittal  in the Senate under Article I Section III because the Chief Justice did NOT preside but REGARDLESS  more importantly to CLEAR the bar to office which self executes on the impeachment charge of "incitement to insurrection" of Section 3 of the 14th amendment that had self executed against Trump in the charge by the House of Representatives, and requires no conviction, thus , he would have needed a 2/3 to vote "not guilty" or  67 Senators but he only reached 43.  He then would have needed 290 not guilty votes in the House of Representatives to clear and allow him to run for office again, and this is the plain reading of Section 3 of the 14th amendment jurisdictional FINAL SENTENCE.  

People see the Senate trial backwards to the Constitution and  theJanuary 6, 2021 riot is not the insurrection Section 3 of the 14th amendment is speaking to or requiring for activation. 


It is not just about a so called acquittal, it is about clearing the bar of a super majority to remove the bar to office of the charge of incitement to insurrection - against the Constitution of the United States of Article II Section I Clause I. Trump did not.  Trump thus remains a barred from office insurrectionist and those who follow and give "aid and comfort" likewise who should be removed from office by Quo warranto actions. The DOJ needs to "clean house". 


The Constitution is silent on who presides over what type of proceeding or action for the vote to clear the "disability" of the automatic bar to office, or how the vote is done but a 2/3 not guilty vote would satisfy Section 3 of the 14th amendment in a trial of any sort presided by whomever in the US Senate and Trump did not reach that.  Trump thus remains GUILTY of "engaged in insurrection against the Constitution of the United States" in accord his  attempts to thwart Article II Section I Clause I which is in Trump's case is the "engaged in insurrection"  Section 3 of the 14th amendment requires. 


This is what the Minnesota Supreme Court could not wrap their heads around and the attorneys arguing the case fell short also. Sometimes precedent just clouds things.   Trump's entire presidential campaign is a continuation of the insurrection, and he says so.  It is a continuing conspiracy to defraud and destroy the United States as we know it.  There is clear law to shut him down and his followers and it is time to use it immediately. 


Trump plans to cheat and manipulate the electoral college as he did in 2016.  See "Unfair game how Trump won".  Jump to relevant portion of See YouTube video  UJScbYEyapQ&t=2580s and to  view entire documentary remove the "&t=2580s" from the end of the url or slide the lower video time bar to the beginning.  The electoral college is the biggest threat to American Democracy in it is easily manipulated to voters today with social media and  personal habit tracking.  Trump is thumbing his nose right at the court because it only takes ONE juror to derail the entire thing. 


Hopefully this will be worked into hearing argument under dkt doc 139 of this Case 1:23-cr-00257-TSC to the Court so the court can see the pari-mutual connection of this case and 18 USC 2383 and Section 3 of the 14th amendment. 


Judge Luttig here explains why 18 USC 2383   was not and should not have been charged to Trump by Jack Smith   See YouTube video ecjvi8XtM00&t=426s


All the court need do is work Trump's conspiracy against the United States to Article II Section I Clause I  as Trump's being "engaged in insurrection against the Constitution of the United States" thus being in the record and when Trump appeals it interlocutorily the appellate court can pour concrete on him and his campaign for re-election

SECOND get up under Section 3 of the 14th amendment and use Quo Warranto to Judicially remove the insurrectionists who are inside the government. A video on Florida law perspective. It works in DC Federal Court for Congressional members. The successful Griffin Quo Warranto complaint is here. The reason this is not being done is because Matt Graves the DC US Attorney who must bring the cases to remove in quo warranto is scared.  He has been asked to formally having been served draft complaints to use. See

THIRD use a verified National polling vote system to send government officials and Congress the preference of their constituents in real time verified one person one vote directives.  This is something we are working on using cell phone service and billing address to get the poll to the right official.

FOURTH  the US Constitution must be amended to

1.  Require all legislative and executive officers of the United States to have Law Degrees and active licenses to practice law.  This will improve the caliber of Congressional and Presidential persons.  Currently in the 118 Congress, There are currently 61 US Senators with a law degree. 31 of these are Republicans. In the House of Representatives, there are 169 members with law degrees and 78 are Republicans.  However the most vocal in charge do not.  McCarthy and Greene, and Boebert barely has a GED.  At the very least have been a COMMISSIONED Officer in the military.

2.   Mandatory retirement age of 65 for all branch members including the Courts.  Both Biden and Trump are too old.

3.  Move to a National Popular Vote system for general elections.  Require states to send electors that select the candidate who won the national popular vote

5  Require a mental competency and and oath of office to the Constitution BEFORE the candidate runs, which will stop seditious speech as part of campaigning.

6.  It shall be unlawful for any person, citizen, candidate or official to to communicate an untruth of any king in the furtherance of any goal and if said goal is for any political position, as set forth in Section 3 of the 14th amendment, said act shall activate the bar to office of said 14th amendment.

FIFTH. Something must be done about the United Nations - especially if the United States is going to host  it on its land.  Re-charter it as the "Unified Nations" and  eject China and Russia and bar all non democratic autocratic and dictatorial government s.  Encourage a bar to business with them.

Get books for detailed information - the audio version is a good deal if you get out before the trial period ends, and you can cross device record the book

Tyranny cover     Democracies die     saving_democracy     democracy_awakening     Lonely     Prequel     consriracy_cover     Justice cover     Bring_cover     Romney_cover     Power     Tired cover     Enough cover     Undertow cover     Renegade cover     Oath_cover     Sapiens_cover     Disloyal cover     Revenge cover     Kingdom cover     Trump cult cover     Cult Constitution cover     Crazy God cover     sedition_cover     Disproven cover     Case cover     American psychosis cover     Taking down Trump cover     Pursuit cover     Nation never     Running devil     Find me cover     too much cover     How to steal     White rural rage     Democracy chains             Attack from within     Burn book cover⁠.   Hit em     Hidden roots cover     White false     Exvangelicals     Reading con

SO... FIRST the National Popular Vote Effort Compact must be actualized.  It will take Constitutional Amendment initiative ballots in Arizona, Ohio, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri and Florida to get it done.  There are enough Democrat voters in those states to get it done.  Someone in those states need to step up and file for petition to get it on the 2024 general election ballot.  This when enacted automatically when enough states hit the 270 Electoral Votes states enacting this will end elections being stolen by the electoral college because the National Popular Vote will decide in the 270 states by counting all votes across the nation to award their electors.

Here is Tara Setmayer and Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project. Here is a few compilation of Republicans and Trump idiot speak.  You just cannot find Democrats who publicize their idiocy like this. and and Jamie Raskin speaks on how the Republicans have no clue.

Adam Kinzinger sets out how bad it really is.  The leader of the insurrection in Congress is now the speaker of the House of Representatives.  His insurrection acts are enough to remove him by Quo warranto.  See and he points out the Christian National movement drives the Republicans today and that Democrats become better educated while Republicans are lesser educated.  Religion will do that to you when you do not believe in Science.  See his book "Renegade"


Trump 2023 Veterans Day Speech, Hitler, Mossilini and  "vermin" - Meidas touch - and

The Trump is a buffoon  collage video.

The  2024 Presidential election could be the first to be decided by the National Popular Vote IF initiatives in Florida, Missouri and Ohio passes, and Michigan finishes their legisaltive process.  It could be an interesting election night.

See Robert Reich explain why a National Popular Vote is needed to replace the by state winner take all Electoral College Selection at

For anyone interested in launching this as a Missouri voting citizen start here at

The suggested text for the amendment is as follows:


For Ohio go to In Ohio a Constitutional amendment for abortion rights will be on the ballot in 2024..  See 12:50 into

For Florida go to and in Florida for the PAC registration part this organization may be able to help at

Thus this is seeking to launch a parallel to the Floridians Protecting Freedom constitutional amendment effort but for the National Popular Vote.   Currently a sponsor who is a registered Florida voter is needed. See for example  One is needed for Ohio and Missouri also.

It is unknown how familiar you are with the effort to create a state Compact to use the National Popular Vote (NPV) in the stead of winner take all at a state level.   This effort is within 50 electoral votes of activating once Michigan signs theirs into law.

This will be a tough go, but it is looking to be a two pronged amendment, First to eliminate the 60% super majority for amendments, and second to to allow a Voter Choice Ballot to allow the state electors be chosen by the National Popular vote of the Nation.  In the 2020 Presidential election the separation was 371, 686 votes and yet the spread was 7 million votes nationwide.  7,059,526 to be exact.  There is a point where continuing to count is unfair.  Yet the electoral college in some heavy states can sway the outcome ridiculously.

This effort is a compatible hybrid spin to take the question directly to voters.  Polls show there are enough non Republicans voters to get this over the line in each of the below states. 

In 2023, Florida Representative Michael Gottleib introduced the National Popular Vote bill into the Florida House of Representatives (status of HB53). Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr. introduced the bill in the Senate (status of SB860).  They have not progressed. 

In Ohio In February 2019, Representatives David Leland, Kristin Boggs, Janine R. Boyd, Catherine D. Ingram, Mary Lightbody, Michael Skindell, and Kristin Boggs introduced the National Popular Vote bill (status of HB70).  It is now a dead bill

In Missouri In January 2023, Missouri Representative Ian Mackey introduced the National Popular Vote bill in the Missouri House (status of HB829).  Also, Representative Peter Meredith introduced the bill (status of HB997).  They have not progressed. 

That will leave Florida. Ohio and Missouri needing to be accomplished by constitutional amendment initiative as they are the only remaining states with enough electoral votes to get the compact over the hill to success that allow initiatives. 

But those states have a ZERO chance of of getting it through the legislature and the governor signing it as a Republican state.  The staffer at National Popular Vote seems a bit in the fog about this math that a legislatively enacted effort is now DOA. 

The initiative  effort would take the form of a voter choice ballot (VCB) you can see outlined at 

The amendment would operate as a quadrannual VCB or a one time NPV change instead of state electors.  That would be determined on election day 2024 if enough signatures can be gathered in time

Florida has a super majority component of the initiative process that Florida law is unconstituional given a recent ruling of the US Supreme Court in blocking a constitutional amendment as to the NPV Compact. It appears the 60 percent super majority is lawful any longer given the US Supreme Court ruling in Chiafalo in 2020.

Further the case ruling unanimously on July 6, 2020 out of the US Supreme Court by Justice KAGAN ruled in CHIAFALO ET AL. v. WASHINGTON, locatable on the web as 19-465_i425.pdf specifically alludes to law says a legislature has no power to usurp the villl of the voters and nor does a governor or court.  That also means no process can stop the voters and a simple majority is what is valid under US constitution. 

Time is of the essence, so we need to move fast to get this moving immediately for the 2024 general election. 


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